Why Choose Us?

MLU Advantage

Studying at MLU

Myles Leadership University offers you industry-cut leadership and a management-oriented curriculum.

Whether you are looking to start a career in management or Entrepreneurship! MLU offers you the best opportunity to get trained by industry experts.
At MLU Our faculty is made up of experienced & Successful industry professionals.

By integrating students’ learning with the real world, empowering students to take ownership of their own learning, equipping each student to think entrepreneurially, and employing the most engaging and inspiring teaching techniques, Myles Leadership University is pioneering a new take on higher education and leadership development education.

Your Study Journey

Your First Year at MLU

At MLU our first-year session is designed to take you on a self-discovery, purpose-oriented leadership, and management training journey. The courses in this intense 2 semester will help you discover all you are created to be, help you discover your unique abilities, and sharpen your life’s skills to harness all that life offers you for life after school. The classes are both theories and practicals. At the end of every semester, you are given group assignments, presentations, book reviews, etc.

Your Second Year at MLU

At 200 level you will pick core courses in your chosen field of study and also you are required to take some more courses in leadership and management. This course helps you translate all you have studied in your courses and add practicality to it. I.e you will be required to identify how to plan to use all you have learned in that session to solve practical life problems and proffer solutions.

Third Year at MLU

In your 300 level which is the most intense year for our students. You are required to submit proposed project topics, prepare for project defense, design a business plan, and take part in our career exhibition where they meet with potential industry investors and they pitch their businesses and ideas to them.

This year: You are required to set up a company as a group and pitch their ideas to our investors. The winners of these groups get to win cash prizes for startup and mentorship.

Our Edge

Networking Opportunities

Industry experts offer insights into their respective worlds, careers, and role progressions. This allows students to hear stories ‘from the slums and be motivated and inspired by their journey, success, and personal achievements. Speakers can give advice on career opportunities after graduation and how the courses provide skills that are flexible and adaptable for a variety of roles in the industry and also unrelated industries. This demonstrates the breadth of career options available for students that they may not have considered prior to these talks.

Industry Mentoring

We have an Industry mentoring program in place, whereby students are selected based on their merit. Selection criteria are set specific to the mentoring program. Students are assigned an Industry mentor and they work together on aspirational career planning; anticipating obstacles and challenges with strategies to combat, future-orientated goal setting with steps mapped to reach them, and how to remain adaptable and flexible in a changing industry in order to thrive.

Extra Curricular

In addition to our Guest Speaker Program, we have a further range of contact points where students and industry can meet and exchange ideas:

  • On The Couch Series: a panel of high-level industry speakers who can field questions from the students.
  • Local field trips to a range of businesses and corporations where students and industry can meet ‘on-site.’ Students get the feel of the organization and can see a live business at work.
  • The use of our alumni and student ambassadors – creates a powerful story for students to hear directly from their peers.


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Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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